What We Do

Formed with the objective of bringing together all Christians who accept the authority of the Holy Bible and who subscribe to the cardinal doctrines of Christianity as set forth in the Apostles’ Creed, the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) strives to unite the Christian community and to reinforce and extend, through dialogue and consultation, the areas of common agreement among the various Christian groups in Malaysia.

In pursuing its objective of enhancing Christian unity, CFM actively promotes fellowship among Church leaders and communities throughout Malaysia. Once every four years, CFM organises the National Christian Conference to provide an opportunity for Church leaders and communities to come together to fellowship with each other and to discuss, engage and exchange views on current issues, within and outside the Church.

As a national organisation, CFM speaks and acts as the representative of the Christian community in Malaysia on all matters that affect or are of interest to it and readily consults and works with the Government and non-governmental bodies, religious and secular,  at all administrative levels, on matters of common interest and concern.

One of its core objectives being looking after the interests of the Christian community as a whole with particular reference to religious freedom and rights as enshrined in the Federal Constitution, CFM has, as from its formation, taken an active role in the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST). Representing the Christian community in this inter-faith organisation, CFM attends, as a member of MCCBCHST, official meetings with officers of the Federal, State and local governments so that the views of the Christian community may also be heard.

CFM also works with civil organisations to protect civil liberties in Malaysia and when deemed necessary, CFM issues statements on significant current issues arising from national and state policies (click here for CFM Statements).

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